The Media Library or “Panopto” tool enables instructors to upload audio and video files to their Canvas course sites for sharing with enrolled students. With Media Library, instructors can create video/audio lectures from their own computer, as an alternative to live, virtual classrooms via Zoom.
Media Library provides two mechanisms for recording new videos. The recommended and most efficient option is to use the Panopto Capture tool which allows you to record videos right through the browser. When recording through the browser, the Panopto Recorder tool is also an option - but you will need to install the Panopto Recorder tool on your computer before you can initiate a recording. Check out the documentation below for each option.
Where to find and download Panopto Recorder
How to record a video or screen capture using Media Library (Panopto) Recorder on Canvas
Yale has integrated Media Library, also known as Panopto, within each Canvas course. This tool allows faculty, teaching fellows, and students to record and upload content to folders in Canvas. Faculty may decide that they prefer to record and upload lectures to their courses to ensure students in different time zones or with varied technologies can watch lectures at home. The Poorvu Center offers the following tutorials on how to record a new session using Panopto. One version explains the process for MAC computer users. The other video explains the process for Windows computer users. The Panopto support website offers a step-by-step guide to accompany these videos: Windows guide for Panopto recording and MAC guide for Panopto recording.